Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm actually kind of liking this not-having-a-computer business. It's kind of embarassing how much time I waste sitting in front of the computer, and how much more I have been getting done lately without a computer at home. Like cleaning my house and folding my laundry. And yes, the other things I figured I'd do, like hanging around with my children more. It's also sort of embarrasing that, despite having really enjoyed covering high tech as a journalist for about 6 years, I think I could live pretty well without it.

As I anticipated, my children are in crisis. The older one, who can read, is better able to amuse herself sans-technology. But the younger... oy. I think I'll sign her up for those guitar lessons she's been begging for.

In other news... lets see... oh yeah

MY DISSERTATION PROPOSAL GOT APPROVED TODAY. Whoo hoo. Now I can officially start recruiting subjects and officially open up my personal web page, which has been plastered all over this site for about a week already. But in case you missed it, please visit . And if you happen to live in the Colorado Springs area and know of someone with binge eating disorder who is not currently in therapy and would like 10 weeks of FREE YOGA, refer them to the site as well.

Signing off from the public library, your happy luddite.

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