Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kundalini report

Saturdays the Y has a 1 1/2 hour Kundalini class which, to my surprise, was packed. Sure, two people got up and left in the middle. This probably happens on a regular basis. Since this is my first time at that class, however, I can't vouch for that.

We held bridge pose for 6 1/2 minutes. That is hard. Try it. My ass was talking to me. And not very politely. YAhoo. I love Kundalini.

I am so thrilled to have found this class-- especially in this most unlikely of venues, because that means I don't have to pay extra, as classes are included in the price of Y membership. As is daycare. As is the pool. As are lots of other things. I must admit, I am totally loving the Y and am almost glad that World Gym changed into Planet Shitness. I mean Fitness. The Y is considerably further from my house than the gym, which takes some getting used to. But I digress.

Right. Kundalini class for 1.5 hours. LOTS of holding, lots of doing asanas for extended periods. This class focused on heart opening and on the navel center. Doing things like scissoring legs 2 inches above the floor while scissoring arms above the chest for 4 minutes. It's so different than my usual vinyasa, which I also love. I especially love being able to do it in a live class, not in front of my TV. I shall return.

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