Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

*Movie star magazines.
*Home made cookie dough—almost any kind.
*Vodka martinis with olives in them.
*White wine with ice in it. (This one makes my parents wonder where they erred in my upbringing)
*Collecting different words for "cheers:" skol, a votre sante, salut, kampai, l'chayyim, nastrovya, chin chin, y svetaka-- please contribute!
*Impressing people with how much weight I can lift relative to my height and weight.
*Shoveling snow.
*Eating ice cream with peanut butter and wheat germ. Try it and become a believer!
*Wearing the same clothes day after day.
*The glorious sun shining on my face
*Nag champa incense
*Krishna Das
Well, that's a few anyway.

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