Saturday, April 5, 2008

The gift of Presence... so elusive when my children are screaming at each other and the TV is blaring and the cat just broke a planter so there are ceramic shards and wet dirt all over my kitchen floor and there are 4 loads of laundry to fold and I think I drank too much coffee and I feel really fat and I'm trying to rush everyone out the door so I can be at the Y in time for... Yoga.


Yoga Chickie said...

My sister in law has said one wise thing since I've known her and that was - it would be a lot easier to be a mother if we had nothing else at all that we ever wanted to do. I really get that.

Will I see you on April 19?

DebPC said...

Alas, we will not be in NJ for the seder. We were there last weekend (March 29th) from Fri to Mon for my dad's 70th birthday, and we will see much of the family again in Alaska in June for Jacob's bar mitzvah. It's a lot of travel and a lot of family. I will definitely miss seeing you, though. I wonder when we can get together.