Friday, July 18, 2008

Finding Om worked!!!!!!

Met with my statistician today, who also happens to be the interim president of the fine school from which I am obtaining my PsyD. Guess what?


From my dissertation draft (all rights reserved or Yoga Chickie will come after your asana):
"The main finding using a pre and post paired sample t test was that at the end of the 10 weeks of Finding Om the mean number of objective binge episodes had dropped from 4.75 (SD = 2.34) as reported pre-intervention to 1.95 (SD = 2.18) binges per week, with 2 participants reporting having eliminated binges completely (range 0-7, median = 1.5). This difference is significant (t = 5.78, df = 9, p < .001).
These results stayed stable and in fact improved at an 8 week informal follow up. Eighty percent of participants responded to an email query asking how many times they were bingeing and practicing yoga per week. At 8 weeks post-intervention, binge rate had fallen to a mean of 1.2 per week (range = 0-5, median = 0.4). A one-way repeated measures ANOVA found a significant difference in the number of objective binge incidents pre intervention, post intervention and at 8-week follow up (F (1,7) = 13.96, p = .007)."

What does that mean? That there is a one in 1,000 probability that I could have obtained these results based on chance alone for the pre to post intervention figures, and a 7/1000 probability that I could have gotten them on chance alone for the followup figures.

It worked. Yahoo. Despite the fact that my statistician is also the acting president, around whom one might want to show some level of decorum, I did a happy dance all around his office.

Yay. Hooray. I did it. They did it. We did it.

1 comment:

Yoga Chickie said...


Krishna must be watching over you. (Kidding)

But seriously, of COURSE it worked!