Monday, March 17, 2008

What I'm thinking about today

You have the choice to ignore all of your “stuff,” to eat or use some other avoidance strategy in the hopes that it will “go away.” And it may go away for a little while, but it will come back. So why not make the choice to work it out now? In yoga class, through the development of a yoga practice, you are being given a chance to work through all of that crap, to begin to open that door. Sure, you can keep it closed. But why not take a chance?

Sometimes life, like yoga, can be uncomfortable. But on your mat, if you can learn to get back into your body, you can learn to take better care of it. By taking care of your body you can regain freedom and by gaining freedom you can regain joy. So why not take the opportunity and go for it? Throw yourself into doing your least favorite asana. Because if you practice tolerating discomfort now, practice breathing in a time of stress when it doesn’t really matter, you are creating patterns for tolerating distress when it does matter. Go for it. Why not? How often has your intuition been wrong? Not your logic, not your intellect, but your intuition? Or have you forgotten how to listen to that inner voice?

Can you acknowledge that sometimes your body is working with you, not against you?

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