Friday, March 21, 2008

I have a beautiful practice

I was running through the park this morning when I was hit with the realization that I love my yoga practice. I don't mean I love practicing, I mean I love my own personal practice. I can't do half the things Yoga Chickie can do, and I probably can't do half the things you, the reader can do either.

But I can do a lot of things I didn't used to be able to do. Every day I am opening my hips, opening my chest, able to straighten my legs better in navasana than last time. Or maybe not. And that's okay. I love how I feel when I practice. I accept where I am, knowing that I have lots of room to improve, but that if I stay just where I am, I'm still doing fine. I love that I keep at it and enjoy it just for being what it is.

I really mean this, too. I may want to run faster and longer, I may want to lift heavier and get better definition, but when I comes to my yoga practice, I'm beautiful.

1 comment:

Yogamum said...

THAT is the yoga, my friend! Hang on to that feeling!