Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Ran the Republic

Returned from Prague last night at 9 and got up this morning at 4 to drive into Denver to do the Run the Republic stair climb. Well, I got up at 4 because of jet lag. The alarm was set for 6.

Europe in a nutshell: Prague is gorgeous but cold. Amsterdam is wonderful and 2 days was not enough to do it justice. Lithuania... is where my brother-in-law, his wife and their two kids live. Not too many superlatives about it, although it does win the grey award. And the creative use of potatoes in every dish award.

I am way too tired to go into details about anything. I feel bloated and exhausted and kind of gross overall. I did some stair climbing the first morning in Prague, but the hotel workers who use the staircase thought I was so nutty that I felt too uncomfortable to do it again. Did about 15 minutes of yoga every day until Lithuania, which felt good. But overall I feel like I haven't worked out at all for the last 10 days, which is compounded by the astounding amount of food I managed to shove down my gullet. Or maybe it's just that the food was so much heavier than what I usually eat. Bla bla bla. I spend 10 days in Europe and all I can talk about is how fat I feel. Does this cycle ever break?

Here are my official results from this morning, cut and pasted from the website. Pretty good, all things considered. If I do it next year I'd like to come in under 11 minutes.

Run the Republic Stair Climb
- Results

date: Feb 24th, 2008
location: Denver, CO

Summary number of finishers: 1877
number of females: 1033
number of males: 840
average time: 00:15:39

Debby Patz Clarke bib number: 1309
age: 41
gender: F
overall place: 491 out of 1877
division place: 23 out of 209
gender place: 132 out of 1033
time: 11:38
pace: 0:

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