Monday, May 19, 2008

Worlds Best Compost Tumbler

That's how it's billed in the ad, anyway. It arrived. It's heavy. It needs assembly. After my regularly scheduled workout of the day (today's program: hike the Manitou Incline, run down), that will be my project. I have a feeling there may be some frustration involved.

Tomorrow is the last night of Finding Om. I'm not sure how I feel about this. For one thing, it means I need to move onto the writing phase of my dissertation. After 10 years as a professional journalist, writing does not daunt me. But after my last month pretending to be a landscaper, sitting inside for a huge part of the day does sound daunting. Plus, this is a pretty high stakes piece of writing.

One day at a time. I'm not going to dive in full steam ahead until after a trip to Alaska in the beginning of June, anyway. One day at a time. I'd like to get all my data and crunch the numbers before that. Anything I can do to keep moving along so that I can defend at the end of the summer before I start internship on Sept 29th.

Talk about daunting! I haven't had a 40 hour a week job since... dare I say... 1995.

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