Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First snow

I moved to Colorado Springs in 1997 and every year it has snowed before Halloween. This year, as of last night, is no exception. I woke up to a lovely blanket of white-- on roofs and lawns, not yet sticking to roads and sidewalks. I don't have to be at internship until 10am today and was all excited to go for a nice mellow run in the snow. The howling wind kind of killed that buzz. I hate running in any wind, let alone a wet cold one.

Internship is going well. I led my first group on Monday, second group tonight and I see my first client today. As with anything it is starting slowly but that's a good thing right now. I have a feeling I'll be pretty overwhelmed. Which is why I built my beloved Kundalini class into my standing Wednesday schedule. Clever, no? Especially on a night I have to work until 8pm.

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