Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Potluck for Felons is TODAY

The men in my Federal Probation Relapse Prevention group had the clever idea of each providing one ingredient toward creating burrito bowls for the potluck they (and I) have been told to attend tonight. However, upon reflection I realized that no one had actually coordinated who would bring what.

So my supervisor had the idea that we call them with a "reminder message" and give them each an assignment. And so I did. It went like this: "Hi Joe, This is Debby from HCH. I just wanted to remind you about the potluck this Wednesday at group, and ask you to bring shredded lettuce for the burrito bowls." I mostly left messages, but no one with whom I spoke protested. I wonder whether they thought we had already arranged this and they forgot.

I'll let you know how it works out.

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